My statistics (How long to run to the fence and back)

This term we have been working on statistics and we had to pick a question

and I picked how long to run to the fence and back here are my three statements about my graph

  1. only one person got less then 20 seconds
  2. most people ran from 20-30 seconds
  3. the slowest time was 38 seconds

and I used my data to make a tally graph and a bar graph


this is my book work right here

my create

              There once was a man named Tim, his brother dumped him in the rubbish bin, he was sad, he was mad, so he took out his I-pad, and he searched up how to get revenge, that doesn’t make much sense, he went on Youtube he found this diss then he started dissing his sis his dad came home after this his dad gave Tim a kiss because he hated Tims sis! This isn’t the end of this…

My word search

   this week I have been working on a word search all the words in it are from a text called grandad’s couch it when the                                                                                          grandad gets a new couch because his old one is ripped.